Author: John Deutsch

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Bridge’s new version 3 is faster to implement and costs up to five times less than alternative mobile-ready patient engagement suites Healthcare organizations have been challenged to develop a high-quality mobile app patient portal. But, what is considered a high-quality app in the eyes of the patient? A study by…

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DALLAS, Jan. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Bridge Patient Portal® today announced record growth for 2019 with a 68% increase in its client base–predominantly in organizations with 50 or more providers–and an 85% increase in the number of individual patients hosted in Bridge Patient Portal across the existing and new client base. Bridge…

Symbols And Signs Of Global Netoworking
How disparate and piecemealed patient engagement solutions inhibit effective patient communication. Read Part I of this two-part article series: The Advantages of Having a Single Patient Engagement Solution In the healthcare industry, successful organizations need to always be mindful of their consumer. Effective communication is one major factor that attributes…

Man selecting button from holographic digital screen
Why early adopting healthcare organizations are replacing their disparate and piecemealed patient engagement solutions for a second-generation single solution. In the ongoing efforts to increase quality patient engagement, many healthcare organizations have come to acquire multiple patient engagement solutions. In an attempt to satisfy patient needs without overly disrupting their…

Medical Web Experts launches new HIPAA-compliant cloud hosting
Most HIPAA compliant cloud hosting services don’t do a very good job of making considerations for the application or website they’re hosting. This creates a disconnect between developers and systems administrators, putting more pressure on the system administrators to customize the environment to support the software, which they likely don’t…

Patient portal needed
A recent study conducted by researchers at Yale University found significant deficiencies among 83 of the nation’s largest hospitals and health systems in how they provide medical record access to their patient population. One might expect that this deficiency was limited to limitations with the online medical record, patient portal or medical records…
John Deutsch
John Deutsch

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) John is a seasoned executive with 20+ years of healthcare IT business ownership experience specializing in patient engagement, marketing, and software/web development. He was the co-founder of EMR Experts, an EHR consulting firm, which was sold to Bizmatics Inc in 2008. John then founded Medical Web Experts, a leader in custom HIPAA-compliant software/web development and marketing for the healthcare industry. Bridge Patient Portal, an all-in-one patient engagement solution, was spun off from Medical Web Experts in 2014. John split his time as CEO between both Medical Web Experts and Bridge Patient Portal until late 2019, at which point he stepped down as CEO at Medical Web Experts to focus solely on Bridge Patient Portal. Besides his extensive experience in business and workforce management, he also maintains strong technical knowledge in information systems, IT security, compliance, and healthcare.